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Выпуск 022 добавлен 14.11.13 23:24

Tip D’Oris — musician and producer, creating music in the style of Dark Progressive, Deep House, Deep Techno, Minimal House, Minimal Techno, Tech House. He took up music very early and all his life he has felt at close connection with electronic music. Experimenting with sound he finds something new and then applies it in his works. Tip D’Oris has formed a special style and this is what distinguishes his work. His tracks stand out among other music of this genre a particular sound which is created by bright and melodic tones of the main theme song. During his creative life Tip D’Oris has issued numerous albums and releases on famous labels. His tracks and remixes permanently get into a variety of charts and radio shows around the world

Выпуск 021 добавлен 14.11.13 23:22

Tip D’Oris — musician and producer, creating music in the style of Dark Progressive, Deep House, Deep Techno, Minimal House, Minimal Techno, Tech House. He took up music very early and all his life he has felt at close connection with electronic music. Experimenting with sound he finds something new and then applies it in his works. Tip D’Oris has formed a special style and this is what distinguishes his work. His tracks stand out among other music of this genre a particular sound which is created by bright and melodic tones of the main theme song. During his creative life Tip D’Oris has issued numerous albums and releases on famous labels. His tracks and remixes permanently get into a variety of charts and radio shows around the world

Выпуск 020 добавлен 14.11.13 23:18

Tip D’Oris — musician and producer, creating music in the style of Dark Progressive, Deep House, Deep Techno, Minimal House, Minimal Techno, Tech House. He took up music very early and all his life he has felt at close connection with electronic music. Experimenting with sound he finds something new and then applies it in his works. Tip D’Oris has formed a special style and this is what distinguishes his work. His tracks stand out among other music of this genre a particular sound which is created by bright and melodic tones of the main theme song. During his creative life Tip D’Oris has issued numerous albums and releases on famous labels. His tracks and remixes permanently get into a variety of charts and radio shows around the world

Выпуск 019 добавлен 07.11.13 00:30

Tip D’Oris — musician and producer, creating music in the style of Dark Progressive, Deep House, Deep Techno, Minimal House, Minimal Techno, Tech House. He took up music very early and all his life he has felt at close connection with electronic music. Experimenting with sound he finds something new and then applies it in his works. Tip D’Oris has formed a special style and this is what distinguishes his work. His tracks stand out among other music of this genre a particular sound which is created by bright and melodic tones of the main theme song. During his creative life Tip D’Oris has issued numerous albums and releases on famous labels. His tracks and remixes permanently get into a variety of charts and radio shows around the world

Выпуск 018 добавлен 07.11.13 00:27

Tip D’Oris — musician and producer, creating music in the style of Dark Progressive, Deep House, Deep Techno, Minimal House, Minimal Techno, Tech House. He took up music very early and all his life he has felt at close connection with electronic music. Experimenting with sound he finds something new and then applies it in his works. Tip D’Oris has formed a special style and this is what distinguishes his work. His tracks stand out among other music of this genre a particular sound which is created by bright and melodic tones of the main theme song. During his creative life Tip D’Oris has issued numerous albums and releases on famous labels. His tracks and remixes permanently get into a variety of charts and radio shows around the world

Выпуск 017 добавлен 07.11.13 00:24

Tip D’Oris — musician and producer, creating music in the style of Dark Progressive, Deep House, Deep Techno, Minimal House, Minimal Techno, Tech House. He took up music very early and all his life he has felt at close connection with electronic music. Experimenting with sound he finds something new and then applies it in his works. Tip D’Oris has formed a special style and this is what distinguishes his work. His tracks stand out among other music of this genre a particular sound which is created by bright and melodic tones of the main theme song. During his creative life Tip D’Oris has issued numerous albums and releases on famous labels. His tracks and remixes permanently get into a variety of charts and radio shows around the world

Выпуск 016 добавлен 31.10.13 01:19

Tip D’Oris — musician and producer, creating music in the style of Dark Progressive, Deep House, Deep Techno, Minimal House, Minimal Techno, Tech House. He took up music very early and all his life he has felt at close connection with electronic music. Experimenting with sound he finds something new and then applies it in his works. Tip D’Oris has formed a special style and this is what distinguishes his work. His tracks stand out among other music of this genre a particular sound which is created by bright and melodic tones of the main theme song. During his creative life Tip D’Oris has issued numerous albums and releases on famous labels. His tracks and remixes permanently get into a variety of charts and radio shows around the world

Выпуск 015 добавлен 15.10.13 00:53

Tip D’Oris — musician and producer, creating music in the style of Dark Progressive, Deep House, Deep Techno, Minimal House, Minimal Techno, Tech House. He took up music very early and all his life he has felt at close connection with electronic music. Experimenting with sound he finds something new and then applies it in his works. Tip D’Oris has formed a special style and this is what distinguishes his work. His tracks stand out among other music of this genre a particular sound which is created by bright and melodic tones of the main theme song. During his creative life Tip D’Oris has issued numerous albums and releases on famous labels. His tracks and remixes permanently get into a variety of charts and radio shows around the world

Выпуск 014 добавлен 15.10.13 00:51

Tip D’Oris — musician and producer, creating music in the style of Dark Progressive, Deep House, Deep Techno, Minimal House, Minimal Techno, Tech House. He took up music very early and all his life he has felt at close connection with electronic music. Experimenting with sound he finds something new and then applies it in his works. Tip D’Oris has formed a special style and this is what distinguishes his work. His tracks stand out among other music of this genre a particular sound which is created by bright and melodic tones of the main theme song. During his creative life Tip D’Oris has issued numerous albums and releases on famous labels. His tracks and remixes permanently get into a variety of charts and radio shows around the world

Выпуск 013 добавлен 15.10.13 00:48

Tip D’Oris — musician and producer, creating music in the style of Dark Progressive, Deep House, Deep Techno, Minimal House, Minimal Techno, Tech House. He took up music very early and all his life he has felt at close connection with electronic music. Experimenting with sound he finds something new and then applies it in his works. Tip D’Oris has formed a special style and this is what distinguishes his work. His tracks stand out among other music of this genre a particular sound which is created by bright and melodic tones of the main theme song. During his creative life Tip D’Oris has issued numerous albums and releases on famous labels. His tracks and remixes permanently get into a variety of charts and radio shows around the world


Tip D'Oris - musician and producer, creating music in the style of Dark Progressive, Deep House, Deep Techno, Minimal House, Minimal Techno, Tech House.
He took up music very early and all his life he has felt at close connection with electronic music. Experimenting with sound he finds something new and then applies it in his works. Tip D'Oris has formed a special style and this is what distinguishes his work.
His tracks stand out among other music of this genre a particular sound which is created by bright and melodic tones of the main theme song. During his creative life Tip D'Oris has issued numerous albums and releases on famous labels. His tracks and remixes permanently get into a variety of charts and radio shows around the world.

Выходит с 20 августа 2013 года
Автор: Tip D’Oris

Подкастов: 22

Последняя запись: 14 ноября 2013 года

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  2. Открытый доступ. Любимые книги.
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  10. Модель Для Сборки
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  11. Живые: без лишних слов
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  12. Народный продюсер
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  24. Рунетология
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  25. РадиоСтранствия
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  28. Тори
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  33. Аудиокнига "Пещера" (Марина и Сергей Дяченко)
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  38. Пандем
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  47. Наука 2.0
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  52. Футбольное обострение
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